Welcome to class!

Before we start ..

Poll: How are you feeling right now?

About Us

About Us

About Us: TA

Elizabeth Humphries (she/her)

Staff Scientist, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

PhD in Molecular Epidemiology

Email: ehumphri@fredhutch.org

NOTE this is not her dog

Elizabeth's picture

About you!

The Learning Curve

Learning a programming language can be very intense and sometimes overwhelming.

We recommend fully diving in and minimizing other commitments to get the most out of this course.

Like learning a spoken language, programming takes practice.

Sweeping the ocean

The Learning Curve

Learning R has been career changing for all of us, and we want to share that!

We want you to succeed – We will get through this together!

High five

What is R?

What is R?

Why R?

Why not R?


What do you hope to get out of the class?

Why do you want to use R?

image of rocks with word hope painted on

[Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash]


Course Website


Materials will be uploaded the night before class. We are constantly trying to improve content! Please refresh/download materials before class.

Data Science for Environmental Public Health course logo

Learning Objectives

  • Understanding basic programming syntax
  • Reading data into R
  • Recoding and manipulating data
  • Using add-on packages (more on what this is soon!)
  • Making exploratory plots
  • Performing basic statistical tests
  • Writing R functions
  • Building intuition

Course Format


  • Lecture with slides, interactive
  • Lab/Practical experience
  • Two 10 min breaks each day - timing may vary
  • July 8-18, 10:30am - 2:00pm PST on Zoom


  • Mostly independent group work
  • Frequent check-ins with instructors and other groups
  • Some lectures about the practical aspects of coding
  • July 29-31 (in person in Seattle)

Pulse Check Survey


While we do have homework assignments on the course schedule, these are strictly optional!!!

We encourage you to try the assignments, as the best way to get comfortable with any programming language is through practice.

Your Setup

If you can, we suggest working virtually with a large monitor or two screens. This setup allows you to follow along on Zoom while also doing the hands-on coding.

Surveys count

[source - reddit.com]

Research Survey

Research Survey

We are collecting data about user experience with our course to learn more about how to improve the data science education experience. This data may ultimately be used for a research publication and reporting to the NIH.


Getting Started

Installing R

More detailed instructions on the website.

RStudio is an integrated development environment (IDE) that makes it easier to work with R.

More on that soon!

Getting files from downloads

Basic terms

R jargon: https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/bbm%3A978-1-4419-1318-0%2F1.pdf

Package - a package in R is a bundle or “package” of code (and or possibly data) that can be loaded together for easy repeated use or for sharing with others.

Packages are analogous to a software application like Microsoft Word on your computer. Your operating system allows you to use it, just like having R installed (and other required packages) allows you to use packages.

R hex stickers for packages

Basic terms

Function - a function is a piece of code that allows you to do something in R. You can write your own, use functions that come directly from installing R, or use functions from additional packages.

You can think of a function as verb in R.

A function might help you add numbers together, create a plot, or organize your data. More on that soon!

sum(1, 20234)
[1] 20235

Basic terms

Argument - what you pass to a function

  • can be data like the number 1 or 20234
sum(1, 20234)
[1] 20235
  • can be options about how you want the function to work such as digits
round(0.627, digits = 2)
[1] 0.63
round(0.627, digits = 1)
[1] 0.6

Basic terms

Object - an object is something that can be worked with or on in R - can be lots of different things! You can think of objects as nouns in R.

  • a matrix of numbers
  • a plot
  • a function
  • data

… many more

Variable and Sample

  • Variable: something measured or counted that is a characteristic about a sample

examples: temperature, length, count, color, category

  • Sample: individuals that you have data about -

examples: people, houses, viruses etc.

  Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
1          5.1         3.5          1.4         0.2  setosa
2          4.9         3.0          1.4         0.2  setosa
3          4.7         3.2          1.3         0.2  setosa
4          4.6         3.1          1.5         0.2  setosa
5          5.0         3.6          1.4         0.2  setosa
6          5.4         3.9          1.7         0.4  setosa

Columns and Rows

R hex stickers for packages


Sample = Row
Variable = Column

Data objects that looks like this is often called a data frame.

Fancier versions from the tidyverse are called tibbles (more on that soon!).

More on Functions and Packages

  • When you download R, it has a “base” set of functions/packages (base R)
    • You can install additional packages for your uses from CRAN or GitHub
    • These additional packages are written by RStudio or R users/developers (like us)
    • There are also packages for bioinformatics available at Bioconductor

Picture of R package stickers

Using Packages

  • Not all packages available on CRAN or GitHub are trustworthy
  • Posit makes many useful packages
  • How to trust an R package
  • Many packages have accompanying academic papers published in peer-reviewed journals
  • Widely used packages have better documentation (official and in forums) and are more likely free of errors

Tidyverse and Base R: Two Dialects

We will mostly show you how to use tidyverse packages and functions.

This is a newer set of packages designed for data science that can make your code more intuitive as compared to the original older Base R.

Tidyverse advantages:
- consistent structure - making it easier to learn how to use different packages
- particularly good for wrangling (manipulating, cleaning, joining) data
- more flexible for visualizing data

Packages for the tidyverse are managed by a team of respected data scientists at Posit.

Tidyverse hex sticker

See this article for more info.

Package Installation

We will practice this in labs :)

Differs depending on the source (CRAN, GitHub, etc)

Must be done once for each installation of R (e.g., version 4.2 >> 4.3).

Installing Packages: Dropdown Menu

You can install packages from CRAN using the tool menu in RStudio:

tools > Install Packages

Install packages menu in RStudio

Type in the package name to install.

The 'readr' package has been typed into the dropdown menu

Installing Packages: Using Code

We use a function called install.packages() for CRAN packages.

Here is an example where we “install” the dplyr package:


The package name is enclosed in quotation marks.

Loading packages

After installing packages, you will need to “load” them into memory so that you can use them.

This must be done every time you start R.

We use a function called library to load packages.

Here is an example where we “load” the dplyr package:


Quotation marks are optional.

Installing + Loading packages

Installing must be done once via 'install.packages() while loading must be done every R session via 'library()'.

Installing + Loading packages

Installing must be done once via 'install.packages() while loading must be done every R session via 'library()'.

Let’s practice!

Installing remotes and dasehr

Install the remotes package.


Then load the package.


Installing remotes and dasehr

Next, run the following.

It will install our custom package, dasehr from GitHub.


Where to find help

Useful (+ mostly Free) Resources


Error messages can be scary!

  • Check out the FAQ/Help page on the website: https://daseh.org/help.html
  • Ask questions in Slack! Copy+pasting your error messages is really helpful!

We will also dedicate time today to debug any installation issues

Muppets hugging it out


  • R is a powerful data visualization and analysis software language.
  • Add-on packages like the tidyverse can help make R more intuitive.
  • Functions (like verbs) perform specific tasks in R and are found within packages.
  • Arguments within functions specify how to perform a function.
  • Objects (like nouns) are data or variables.
  • We will be both installing and loading packages.
  • Materials will be updated frequently as we improve it. Please use the Google Form survey so you can provide feedback throughout the class!
  • Lots of resources can be found on the website. You will have access to the website after the class is over.

🏠 Class Website

Website tour!