- Introductions
- Class overview
- Getting R up and running
[Photo by Belinda Fewings on Unsplash]
[Photo by Belinda Fewings on Unsplash]
Poll: How are you feeling right now?
Carrie Wright (she/her)
Senior Staff Scientist, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Associate, Department of Biostatistics, JHSPH
PhD in Biomedical Sciences
Email: cwright2@fredhutch.org Web: https://carriewright11.github.io
Ava Hoffman (she/her)
Senior Staff Scientist, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Associate, Department of Biostatistics, JHSPH
PhD in Ecology
Email: ahoffma2@fredhutch.org Web: https://avahoffman.com
Elizabeth Humphries (she/her)
Staff Scientist, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
PhD in Molecular Epidemiology
Email: ehumphri@fredhutch.org
Please introduce yourself on Slack!
Learning a programming language can be very intense and sometimes overwhelming.
We recommend fully diving in and minimizing other commitments to get the most out of this course.
Like learning a spoken language, programming takes practice.
Learning R has been career changing for all of us, and we want to share that!
We want you to succeed – We will get through this together!