
Upon completion of this session, you will be able to do the following:

  1. Reshape data into wide or long formats.
  2. Combine different datasets based on identifying keys.
  3. Get familiar with creating plots with the esquisse package.


Lecture recording links will be emailed directly to students.


Day Module Slides Code Resource Cheatsheets/Guides
Day 6 Manipulating Data in R HTML, PDF Rmd Lab, Key, Key HTML Day 6 Cheatsheet
Intro to Data Visualization HTML, PDF Rmd Lab, Key, Key HTML
Optional Homework 3 Rmd, HTML, Key, Key HTML


homework is optional.

📝 HOMEWORK 1: Questions (HTML)

📝 HOMEWORK 2: Questions (Rmd), Questions (HTML)

📝 HOMEWORK 3: Questions (Rmd), Questions (HTML)


RStudio cheatsheets

RStudio IDE cheatsheet (PDF)

Get started with esquisse